Note: Because most of my work has been for governmental organizations (Sandia National Laboratories and Georgia Tech Research Institute), my work has primarily been under NDA, Classified, or Official Use Only. As a result, this section will be abstracted to protect that information.

Documents and Templates that I have created, and use in my research:

Publications: (under Hannah Jahant)

Harley, L., Kline, K., Price, C., Jones, A., Mosley, S., Farmer, S., & Fain, B. (2013). A Web Based Voting Application Study of Display Layouts for Older Adult Voters with Arthritis (No. 012). Working Paper.

Harley, L., Kline, K., Price, C., Jones, A., Mosley, S., Farmer, S., & Fain, B. (2013). A Web Based Voting Application Study of User Input Devices for Older Adult Voters with Arthritis.

Harley, L., Kline, K., Price, C., Jones, A., Mosley, S., Farmer, S., & Fain, B. (2013). A web based voting application study of fonts for voters with dyslexia. The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation Accessible Voting Technology Initiative Working Paper Series, 1-30.

Kline, K., Bell, C., Jahant, H., Price, C., Jones, A., Mosley, S., … & Fain, B. (2013). A Study of Plain Language Writing Style for Ballots in English, Spanish, and Chinese.

Preusse, K. C., Mitzner, T. L., Fausset, C. B., & Rogers, W. A. (2014). Older Adults’ Changes in Intent to Adopt Wellness Management Technologies. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 58(1), 200–204.

Preusse, K. C., Mitzner, T. L., Fausset, C. B., & Rogers, W. A. (2014). Activity Monitoring Technologies and Older Adult Users: Heuristic Analysis and Usability Assessment. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care, 3(1), 23–27.

Preusse, K. C., Mitzner, T. L., Fausset, C. B., & Rogers, W. A. (2017). Older adults’ acceptance of activity trackers. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 36(2), 127-155.

An Analysis of Sandia National Laboratories’ Intranet Applications: Usability, Platforms and Best Practices

Sandia National Laboratories

A screen displaying color and font choices for a design, and below, a smaller screen displaying color palettes and markup by a designer. | Photo by Balázs Kétyi on Unsplash

This study was conducted at Sandia National Labs and highlighted the various platforms, languages and design styles of Sandia’s intranet. We conducted user interviews, gathered analytics and usability data, and generated findings to inform a new common look and feel and pattern library to ensure a cohesive and usable design system for developers and end users. We also determined that development teams which had UX assistance had significantly higher usability scores.

A Contextual Design Approach to Improving the Lives of First Line Managers

Sandia National Laboratories

In this study, we conducted contextual interviews with 16 Level 1 Managers across the Labs. We built a large affinity diagram, and highlighted the main challenges that managers faced in their day to day. We also generated Day in the Life graphics, Time/Value models, and Personas. We found that the main challenges facing managers were centered around shortage of time, approvals, and processes.

Master’s Thesis

Georgia Institute of Technology

For my master’s thesis, I built a video game in Unity 3D to test the question: Does a player’s personality type predict his/her preference towards the type of dialogue interaction in a game?

Product Usability Testing

Georgia Tech Research Institute

Laptop on a desk with paper notebook and calendar. | Photo by STIL on Unsplash

While a research assistant at GTRI, I conducted numerous usability tests on physical products ranging from fitness trackers to cereal packaging to gardening tools. I traveled to the homes of older adults in the Atlanta area and performed product evaluations, ethnographic studies, and ease of use evaluations. I also performed diary studies, and collected medical data and performed medical testing for research purposes.