Note: Much of my design work at SNL and GTRI has been under NDA, is Classified, or is for Official Use Only. Work below has been released via authorized Review and Approval processes and is approved for unclassified unlimited release.

6.X Weapons Original Concept

I was tasked to re-design this 6.X NNSA Process Visualization to more clearly represent: the relative length (in time) of each phase, the evolution of the design process, and the connection to the development of weapons.

The original graphic showed the 7 Phases, and highlighted where the 6X process occurs. It highlighted the order of the processes, and labeled the phases, and showed progress by varying shades.


New 6.X Lifecycle Design

The new 6.X Graphic highlights the overlap between the original phases 1-7 and phases 6.1-6.6. Since the engineering requirements system that Sandia uses cross-lists many documents to both phases, it was necessary to show their relationship more clearly. This graphic also changes the widths of each phase to reflect the relative amount of time spent by design engineers in each phase.

Lifecycle Redesign with Custom Weapon Vector Graphics

This alternate graphic also includes custom vector graphics that show the various stages a weapon goes through in its design process to more clearly highlight what is going on during each phase.

Posted by:hannahjgb

UX Researcher - Photographer - Runner - Lover of Life